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The key process of pipe machine operation

来源:www.spiralweldedtubemill.com 发表时间:2017-09-25

      Welded pipe welding equipment used in the open-book, pinch, straightening, cutting, guide, butt welding, live sets, the medium, the process can be said to be complex and changeable, Yangzhou City, the new flying pipe Machinery Co., Ltd. on the first Tell you about the first three steps of the welding process of the welded pipe unit:

The specific butt welding process is:

1, in the coil after a good positioning, the left and right cone of the unwinding machine can be inserted inside the coil at the same time rotation, the lead to the inside of the clip roller, clip roller roll down, steel car and magnetic roller will be able to return to In situ.

2, in order to allow the spring steel can be accurately on the run, before the opening of the coil to move the overall axial movement + 150mm. After the uncoiler is started, the strip passes through the pinch roller to reach the straightening machine with the dust removal device.

3, the straightening of the spring steel with a sliding hydraulic shear on the strip of the head and tail shear (cut down with steel head can immediately slide into the waste box inside, cut the steel tail can be used to collect the output device online Outside the special collection box).


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