
联系:Rachel FAN

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邮箱: racheljinsuo@outlook.com


地址: yanshan country cangzhou city Hebei china

spiral welded pipe

来源:www.spiralweldedtubemill.com 发表时间:2017-07-27
spiral welded pipe

Spiral welded pipe in the delivery of water, oil, gas and other transportation has played a significant role. With the planning and construction of a number of major domestic and foreign pipeline projects, the application of spiral welded pipe is more and more  .In terms of transportation pipeline spiral welded pipe compared to straight welded pipe has a unique advantage.

Three advantages

一.Online inspection, quality assurance

二.High toughness, anti fatigue strength  more than straight welded pipe

三.High output, daily output =5~8 straight seam welding equipment,



pipe for transportation

pipe for transportation

pipe for oil tank

pipe for oil tank

pipe for piling

pipe for piling

spiral welded pipe equipment

spiral welded pipe equipment

new image - u3clh

new image - u3clh